You are human

Hello Monday. It’s the fourth Monday in Quarantine time. We’re staying healthy at home as much as possible. Thanks to a kind neighbor, our garden plot is tilled and ready for planting. This afternoon we’ll plant snap peas, lettuce, kale, spinach and chard. It will be good to have fresh food right out our back door.
I’m adjusting to the new normal. I’ve found what works for me to stay more centered is to only check the news once or twice a day, to only check reliable sources and to not engage in debates on facebook with people who do not believe in science.
I believe in science; I believe in the power of objective facts, hard data. I do not believe in cosmic woo, magic, or the ability to defy the laws of nature. I’m perplexed by people who believe being spiritual, enlightened, holy, or self-actualized means no longer having human experiences. We are human beings, in a human body that is designed to last a finite amount of time.
We experience the world through this body. I believe enlightenment means coming to terms with this, understanding that we are sometimes well, sometimes ill, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes grief stricken, sometimes wailing, sometimes gnashing our teeth. Sometimes we smell bad, sometimes we say stupid things, sometimes we fail, sometimes we succeed fabulously. All of it, everything we experience is part of being fully human.
To those of you who think you won’t get COVID-19 because you are “covered in the blood of Jesus,” or have “vibrations too high for a virus to infect me,” or will “pray it away,” I wish you good luck. What Iknow is that several clusters of illness in Kentucky (and elsewhere) have been caused by people insisting on attending religious services in defiance of orders not to congregate. In one case, sick congregants were encouraged to come to service. We are human. You are human. I am human. We are governed by the laws of nature, by our biology and our anatomy.
Prayer won’t save you, the blood of Jesus won’t save you, high vibrations won’t save you, incantations won’t save you, burning incense won’t save you, praying to idols won’t save you. These things might make you feel better, and if so, by all means do them, but they are not a substitute for common sense and for listening to what actual scientists say. Practice physical distancing, stay home when possible, glove and mask properly, don’t gather for any reason with anyone outside of those with whom you already live. The life you save could be yours.

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