Life is All Around You

The sights and sounds of summer in Kentucky. Cicadas by day. Crickets, frogs and screech owls by night, with the occasional racoon chittering. In the distance the sound of the train whistle.
Lazy afternoons watching juvenile Cooper’s hawks spiraling in the sky calling to each other as if to say, “Hey, look at me, I’m doing it. I’m flying!” Birds too numerous to count trilling, chirping, peeping, singing. Robins pulling worms out of the ground, garter snakes cooling in the shade. Chipmunks stuffing their cheeks with sunflower seeds. Squirrels running, running everywhere, forever in a hurry. Butterflies and moths flitting. Honey bees and wood bees and bumble bees. Wasps and hornets. Japanese beetles in their metallic armor.
Plants coming up through the cracks in the sidewalk defying all attempts to deny them life. Beans and peppers and tomatoes ripening in the midsummer sun.
Life is all around you. Listen for it. See it. Feel it. Revel in it, wherever you are.